Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Seguir Adelante! (To continue onward/forward) 6.11.13

Today is my last P-day in the CCM. I'll be sad to leave but I´m very very excited for Bolivia.


This last Sunday was surprisingly busy for me with lots of leadership meetings and lots of musical numbers to plan and practice.  One of the sisters in my district brought sheet music to my favorite arrangement of "I Stand All Amazed" - the one I play all the time at home. I got to accompany her at the fireside for the entire CCM on Sunday night - it was so incredible! She is a spectacular singer. My district also got to do prelude - we sang a few hymns plus the EFY Medley and "Childs Prayer". As the zone music leader, I had to find pianists and choristers for all the hymns we sing all day (there´s a lot) as well as pick all the hymns. I love it!


Also on Sunday, my companion and I sat down at a table for lunch that was eventually joined by the Branch President and his family, the CCM Presidente and his wife, and the regional doctor and his wife. It was quite the lunch! I love how small the CCM is - when the area seventy´s come, we get to meet all of them just by going to lunch in the cafeteria. We actually got a huge influx of missionaries this last transfer - we are almost at capacity! There are SO many sisters!! Its insane! Definitely more sisters than Elders in the North American group.


My spanish is slowly improving. We try and speak it all day every day which is always interesting and forces us to say things creatively. I was singing a random song once, and my companion said "Solo español!" trying to get me to stop, but I just sang it in spanish instead. It was pretty awesome :). Our movie quote references have also been translated to spanish - the meaning often gets lost along the way but oh well. One favorite phrase that us Norte Americanos taught the latino teachers is "Qué in el mundo!" :) so fun.


Another fun thing we do is our evening teacher has us run around the CCM if we start looking sleepy in class. We´ve done it three nights in a row now... we just run around in our skirts and suits in the dark until he lets us stop. :) its so fun and totally works at waking us up.


I've learned a lot this week about patience and charity and diligence. Every night, we have a mini devotional with the hermanas in my room so we can calm down a bit. As I was looking for a scripture in Alma I read four in a row that fit so perfectly together for me I had to share them all: Alma 37:6 - Alma 26:12 - Alma 36:24 - Alma 26:30. I hope you can make sense of my thought process :).


On another night, my companion asked if we could sing "Be Still My Soul". For some sad reason, that hymn isn´t in the spanish hymn books so we haven´t been able to sing it – it’s one of my favorites. But I dug out my mini english hymn book, and we sang all four verses in our little room. It was so incredible!


Love you all! Keep writing and I hope the beginning of summer is wonderful for everyone!


Love, Hna. Black



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