Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sweaters (5/28/13)

I´ve finally gotten into the routine of things here at the CCM. It was fun to help the new girls who came in Thursday adjust to everything. I´m already half way through! Time is just flying by!
Alright, one quick funny story. One of our teachers has this great sweater that he wears when he is an investigator. It is blue and has stripes and is just awesome. One day it was freezing cold here and so he was wearing it to teach as well, and I guess there is a rule in the CCM that the elders have to wear suit coats if they wear sweaters. So he asked the elders in my district if he could borrow one of their suit coats and they went up to get one, or so we thought; the elders misunderstood. All five of them came back with sweaters on, with an extra one for the teacher, and no suit coats. It was so funny.
Also, we found out that I am actually the oldest person in my district besides one elder who is 21. How weird! That is a completely new experience for me. And now elder Elder S insists on calling me "the Old One" despite the fact that I´m less than a year older than him. But today at lunch he gave me his extra chocolate ice cream in exchange for the right to call me old the rest of my life. It was a fair trade.
There were a few pretty incredible experiences this week that have just amazed me at the power of the spirit despite the different languages. So, every night, one person in our district gives a little testimony. A few days ago, we asked one of our teachers to bear his. It was so cool! He can't speak English very well at all, but he started to bear his testimony in the few English words he knew, and I have never heard anything so powerful. Every word was chosen so carefully and I could just feel the incredibly strong testimony he has in his heart. He told us the story of how he got the job at the CCM, and how it was an answer to many many prayers. He read us the scripture that talks about how Lehi comforted Sariah when her sons went back to Jerusalem. He said that when he was feeling despair like Sariah, his wife bore her testimony to him and he was comforted. Testimonies can be so powerful - they change hearts and comfort souls. He finished with saying something like "A good missionary has experience with God".
I am continually amazed by how a testimony, even in a different language, can be so full of the spirit. My companion and I were teaching a lesson in really rough Spanish, and our investigator asked how we knew that God answers prayers. I seized on the opportunity to bear my testimony because that is one thing I can do in Spanish, and the words just flowed! And I testified that I knew God answers prayers because He has answered mine. Then my amazing beautiful companion bore her sweet testimony of prayer in this language that we´ve only started learning, and the spirit just burned in that little room. We both started crying a bit.
That´s why the CCM is awesome! You get to experience miracles every day and the spirit is around you all the time so strongly - even in a different language you can still feel it! How incredible is that?
Love you all! Don´t forget to write! or email or anything!
Love, Hermana Black

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